Tuesday, January 15, 2008


I found none of these search tools to be terribly useful. Feedster didn't work, Technocrati's method of categorizing is confusing, and Syndic8's format was horrendous. The other problem with using these search methods as a way to subscribe to sites is that I don't know if it leads to you keeping the feeds. I've picked feeds using this method in the past, and then find that I don't read them too often. I'm better off finding a website that I like to read, and if I find that I go back to it frequently, then and only then do I subscribe. This other method leads to a lot of choosing things that you won't read. There are two components at play here. One is how frequently a site posts, and the other is how much you want to read on that topic. They need to mesh well or you don't end up reading the posts, but just the headlines and dumping them. I've had sites with great information, but they posted so frequently that I felt like I was being overrun with information. Rather than not reading the posts, I dumped the entire feed. I suspect that is a reason why some people post infrequently.

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