Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Feed Your Head

RSS feeds. As soon as you start to use it, you can't put it down. It is like the Lays chips of the Internet.

As for the reader Bloglines, I say, good day, sir. I'm not a fan. I like my Google Reader, thank you very much. I suspect it is a matter of preference, but I find Bloglines to be too busy. I like the clean architecture Google offers.

RSS feeds have great potential for libraries to use. We could send users updates of up and coming books, so they can put themselves on hold for it. We can send them reviews. We can send event information. We can let the user choose what information they want from us, rather than subscribing to a newsletter. We can give them information by branch. We can create content about books, events, the community. We can create blogs around subject matter or populations. It's a boon.

Currently, I have a blog for teens in La Center. I post almost daily and it is really nothing more than linking to items that I think teens might find interesting. Now, I just need them to catch up to the technology.

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